Instructions for visitors
- Right of way: you can pass through and stay on private land from sunrise to sunset without causing disturbance to the owner or damage to the property.
- If the private property is fenced or posted against trespassing, the landlord’s permission is necessary.
- You can use a non-propelled floating craft to move around internal water-bodies, except on bog lakes and Lake Kõnnu.
- It is permitted to drive your motor vehicle on public roads and pathways. Parking is allowed within designated parking areas.
- Camping and making fires is allowed only in prepared and designated locations.
- Do not use growing trees or bushes for fire.
- Making fires during a high fire-risk periods is striclty prohibited, even in special camp-fire locations.
- Please make sure no detergents enter natural water bodies
- Please use appropriate toilet facilities
- Please keep your pets under control and on leads at all times, they are a threat to wild life.
- Picking up wild berries, mushrooms and flowers etc is allowed, unless it is a protected species.
- Do not desecrate the natural beauty of the area
- Please report any damage or theft you may witness to the natural habitat to this area to 1247 (Country and Environmental Information phone)
Photo by Anne-Ly Feršel