About the nature reserve
- The greatest value of the Mukri Nature Reserve is the well-preserved bog landscape with its surrounding natural communities. Such a compact arrangement of natural communities ensures the integrity of the ecosystem, whose protection allows the free distribution and favourable status of species to continue. More than 70% of the protected area consists of biotic communities whose biota creates and supports the living conditions of protected species.
- The Mukri Nature Reserve protects the Mukri and Ellamaa bogs and the communities of the surrounding natural woodlands and semi-natural grasslands, the landscape, biodiversity and protected and rare species.
- The length of the protected bog along the northeast-southwest axis is 9 km, its width in the northern part is a little over 4 km and in the southern part around 2.5 km. The bog plain is bisected by a gravel road running from the northwest to the southeast, which was initially built in the 1920s from logs and sticks.
- Of the protected and rare species, the area is home to the black stork, the western capercaillie, the northern goshawk, the ghost orchid, the poor sedge, the early coralroot and the lesser twayblade.
- The protection procedure divides the land and waters of the protected area into four special management zones and three limited management zones. Read more about protected zones here.
- The Mukri Nature Reserve is managed by the Estonian Environmental Board and visitor management is handled by the State Forest Management Centre.