Alam-Pedja Nature Reserve was established on 17 February 1994. The first protection rules of Alam-Pedja were adopted on 3 March 1995. The document “Approval of the protection rules of Alam-Pedja Nature Reserve and Karula National Park and of the description of the outer border of Karula National Park” entered into force on 22 March 1995.
The protection rules of Alam-Pedja Nature Reserve currently valid divide Alam-Pedja Nature Reserve into 4 strict nature reserves, 25 conservation zones and 9 limited management zones.
The general protection objective of the area is to protect natural biodiversity of ecosystems on an extensive area by ensuring natural development of forest and swamp communities, preservation of meadow communities and maintenance of the habitats of the protected species. In total, 48 bird species, 20 habitat types and habitats of 14 other species are protected.
The great snipe (Gallinago media). Photo by Arne Ader