Nature education

In the Alam-Pedja Nature Reserve, nature education is organised in various ways. The study programmes offered to schools can be found in the portal

In Kirna, the Jõgeva Malev study centre of the Defence League is located, also housing an exhibition introducing the protected area. Additional information:

Kirna study centre. Piret Valge

The Kirna study centre is a gig ligth green house with 2 floors

The exhibition room of the Kirna study centre. Piret Valge

Since 2001, the Palupõhja nature school has been operating in Palupõhja village. The nature school offers opportunities for learning about nature through study days, camps, hikes, communal work days, and internships. It is located in a renovated farmhouse on the banks of the Emajõgi River. It includes a seminar room, accommodation and catering facilities, and equipment for conducting nature study programmes. Outdoor learning takes place in the diverse landscape of Alam-Pedja Nature Reserve. The nature school is co-owned by the Estonian Fund for Nature (ELF) and LKÜ Kotkas.

Additional information:

Palupõhja nature school. Piret Valge.

Kids hands with selfmade wristbands

The result of craft workshop. Triin Libe.