About Nature Park

  • The Otepää Nature Park was founded in 1957, when the first limited landscape areas were created around Lake Pühajärv and Väike-Munamägi.
  • The nature park is designed to protect the landscapes and biodiversity of the Otepää upland.
  • Lake Pühajärv, located in the heart of the nature park, is considered one of the most beautiful lakes in Estonia.
  • The symbol of the nature park is the lesser spotted eagle (Clanga pomarina). Of protected species one should also mentioned northern goshawk (Accipiter gentili), northern crested newt (Triturus cristatus), mud toad (Pelobates fuscus) and aquatic plant Najas flexilis.
  • The landscapes of Otepää have always involved human settlement. The great historical treasure is the Otepää castle hill, one of the important centers of the ancient Ugandi county, which has given Otepää its name.
  • The Otepää Nature Park belongs to the pan-European Natura 2000 network and is managed by the Estonian Environmental Board.


Lake Pühajärv. Photo by Priit Voolaid